Do you love your spouse or your children? Is there a time where you say "I must take a picture of this moment"? I'm sure you do. We all have those times when we want to capture every possible moment. Let me ask you, when was the last time you printed a picture of your loved ones? Has it been more than 12 months ago? According to the Professional Photographers of America (PPA), 53% of Americans stated they haven't printed a picture in 12 months or more; 42% of Americans stated they no longer print photos at all. That's a significant amount of people. Now can you imagine twenty years from now and not being able to look back upon your younger years. No childhood pictures, no young adult, no pictures of your parents or grandparents. Do you rely solely on your cell phone, social media, or online store companies to store pictures? Are the walls of your home bare and in desperate need of love? For this Friday Five, I want to talk about five ways to prevent being a part of the "lost" generation. 1. Framed Portraits Whether you buy the frame thru your professional photographer or you buy a frame from a craft store or big box store; buy them. This will help to preserve your existence for years to come. 2. Albums Similar to Framed Portraits, albums are a great way to preserve your family's legacy. Do you remember the days when your family would sit around and look back at pictures from yesteryear? Those moments bring back laughter and memories you may have forgotten. 3. Technology - Online Photo Storage Many of the great online photo storage companies have a costly monthly subscription. They can be pricey. Technology constantly changes and making future access unpredictable. When was the last time you saw a floppy disk drive.? Yeah, I haven't seen one in a while either. Have your images in more than one place and have back-ups in place. 4. Hire Professional Photographers for Once-In-A-Lifetime Moments We know all those time; weddings, birthdays, maternity, military promotion ceremonies, and more. 5. Just Print We have gotten so comfortable with posting pictures on social media and haven't printed pictures; so just print. You'll be happy you did and your grandkids will as well. Has it been a while since your last family portrait and you're looking to hire a professional photographer to capture all those wonderful moments, I would be happy to speak with you about capturing those moments. You may contact me directly via telephone at (571) 250-5073 or email me at [email protected].
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January 2024