Today, I had the honor of photographing Major Turner's promotion ceremony, an Army Officer, in the Rotunda of the National Archives Museum in Washington D.C. Major Turner was surrounded by her husband, Mom, siblings, and other family and friends. This promotion ceremony was extra special, because this was the first time her family (outside of her husband) was able to witness her promotion.
Is that the Stanley Cup National Championship Bus driving down Constitution Ave in front of the National Archives? Why yes it is! Major Templeton and his family has selected a day to have his military promotion ceremony in Washington D.C., that's the same day as the celebration parade for the Washington Capitals. What a celebration! There are so many people walking the streets with banners, noise-makers, and anticipating the winners of the Stanley Cup and it's only 7:30 a.m.
Congratulations are in order for one of the Air Force newest Lieutenant Colonels (Lt Col). Major Berge arrived at The National Archives Museum in Washington D.C. with his family for his promotion ceremony. Thankfully, Major Berge's family was able to have a beautiful no rain day for his promotion ceremony. (It's been raining in the Northern Virginia and surrounding area for almost two weeks straight).
Prior to entering the museum, Major Berge's family took a few pictures on the steps of the Archives to post on Facebook to share with friends and family. Yesterday morning was off to a great start in Washington D.C....there was no rain! I arrived to the National Archives Museum to photograph the outside of the museum while I awaited the arrival of my client and their friends and family for a promotion ceremony.
The National Archives Museum in Washington D.C. is a special and highly coveted location to have a military ceremony. Military families have to request availability as soon as possible to ensure they're able to to get their desired date for the promotion, reenlistment, or commissioning ceremony. Yesterday, Major Yerrick has been blessed to received one of those highly prized dates for his promotion ceremony to Lieutenant Colonel. Major Yerrick's family arrived and we were able to photograph them having fun and welcoming their guest prior to their ceremony.
January 2024