Army Promotion Ceremony at The National Archives MuseumPromotion ceremonies at The National Archives Museum are fun and make for a memorable military ceremony. Many military members throughout Washington DC and across the nation desire to have their military event at the museum. Because of it's popularity, members have to request months in advance to secure the venue for their promotion or retirement ceremony. Therefore, I always get excited when veterans or their spouse call or message me to schedule photography for their ceremony.
A few months ago, Melissa contacting me to photograph her husband promotion ceremony at The Archives. They were excited about the promotion and having family in attendance to witness the ceremony and wanted to have beautiful portraits of the day. Blue and Silver Retirement Heirloom AlbumI am in love with this beautiful 10x10 Heirloom Album. It was designed for retired Air Force Lieutenant Colonel Hook. A few weeks after Col Hook's retirement ceremony at Andrews AFB in Maryland; we meet to discuss how he would like to remember his last official military event and the heirloom album was the number one choice; as each album is custom designed. Therefore, Col Hook was able to give his album the Air Force treatment.
Col Hook selected Wedgwood and The Saturday Night Special. Air Force Retirement Ceremony at Andrews AFBWhen a military member first enlists or receives a commission, retirement isn't the first thing that comes to mind. It's usually how am I going to get through Basic Military Training (BMT) or Officer Field Training. However, retirement seems to sneak up on military members; especially when you're having such a great time and enjoy serving and protecting the country you love.
Visit to Northern VirginiaWho loves Facebook, Instagram, and the other Social Media platforms? Whether you own a business or not, more than likely, you're on one of the social media platforms. Last month, the Prince William County Chamber of Commerce hosted a social media panel to help business owners develop strategies to help increase their business visibility and social proof.
The panelists included John Fillipone from Western Prince William Chatter, Tamieka Smith (me) from Military Wives & Moms of Woodbridge, Liz Whitt-Lee from Get Social with Liz and ST Billingsley from What’s Up Prince William. Their were a lot of great recommendations such as when is the best day or time of day to post on your business page (to get the most visibility and interaction), what information are people in groups looking to know or asking, and how to introduce yourself (your business) in groups. “The biggest way to grow your business online is find a way to help people without being overly promotional,” Whitt-Lee said. Each business will find success with different social media platforms. That's why it's essential to try different platforms to determine which one will work best for your company. “Don’t worry about being on every platform, it’s too much work for one person,” Billingsley said. “The other thing I say is — don’t hire a kid just saying because they know how to post something, that doesn’t mean they know what they’re doing. There’s a lot that goes in behind it.” |
January 2024